
An ebook, short for electronic book, is a digital version of a book that can be read on electronic devices such as e-readers, tablets, smartphones, and computers.

Ebooks are typically available in various formats, including EPUB, PDF, MOBI, and AZW (Amazon Kindle). EPUB is one of the most common formats and is widely compatible with different devices and platforms.

Ebooks can be purchased from online retailers such as Amazon Kindle Store, Apple Books, Google Play Books, Barnes & Noble Nook Store, and many independent online bookstores. Some libraries also offer ebooks for borrowing.

Most modern devices such as smartphones, tablets, e-readers, and computers support ebook reading. Ensure that your device is compatible with the ebook format you intend to read. Apps like Kindle, Apple Books, and Google Play Books allow you to access ebooks across different devices.

Once downloaded, ebooks can typically be read offline, without an internet connection. However, some ebooks may require an internet connection for initial download or to access certain features such as syncing across devices or downloading updates.